

クァウール・タウラス 286676

Qawool Towles (クァウール・タウラス Kwaūru Taurasu) is a young 17 yearold priestess and the youngest priestess of Mount Muldoon ever Qawool's servant is Alielle's twin brother, Parnasse Qawool is also very afraid of insects, which causes her to destroy whatever is around herタウマタ ファカタンギ is on Facebook Join Facebook to connect with タウマタ ファカタンギ and others you may know Facebook gives people the power to1998 Trivia 1998 was a great year for anime We have all kinds of interesting and fascinating trivia from this year to share with you The most viewed series from that year on Anime Characters Database is Outlaw Star ( 69 views ) Our series view count resets each month as to give you a rolling idea what is currently popular A total of 38 titles were released in 1998 神秘の世界エルハザード 異次元の世界エルハザード の動画を視聴できる配信サービス一覧 ワンスクリーン クァウール・タウラス